Talk of the town

Talk of the town

Find out all the latest gossip from the industry after hours. From self-obsessed professionals to twitter feuds, The Weekender knows everything.

Find out all the latest gossip from the industry after hours. From self-obsessed professionals to twitter feuds, The Weekender knows everything.
The industry has been busy in July, ready for the summer holidays.
But it wasn’t holiday time for everyone, with new recruits starting at Brightstar
Rob Jupp jetted out to Greece to celebrate his 44th birthday.
Bradley opted for a spot of golf
July was a big month for tennis
Roger Morris of Precise Mortgages spent a night with Fluent Money, but it wasn’t always easy to leave work behind
Others mixed business with pleasure
But there was no rest for the Medianett team
And with July drawing to a close, the countdown to the Finance Professional show is on!


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